Project Description


TEX4FUTURE aims at updating and modernizing capacities and services offered by HEIs in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan related to the light industry (mainly textile and clothing sectors) of these countries, by transferring knowledge, experience, competencies and good practices related to the needs of the sector.

The needs were primarily elicited through the analysis of the sectors in both countries, performed by the local partners, they were verified through a preliminary analysis performed in advance in both countries. The textile and clothing sectors have a different emphasis in the two countries, as it is a very important sector for Uzbekistan but not so much currently in Kazakhstan, but they share common problems and have common objectives.

Such as:

  • Increase of technical and technological level; Ensuring production efficiency;
  • Competitiveness and high technology products;
  • Export growth;
  • Active investment and innovation activities;
  • Deepening sectoral cooperation.

To accomplish these objectives support is foreseen for

  • creating 4 Textile Centres in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, that will operate with an emphasis on modern development in the sector;
  • development, testing and adaptation of innovative curricula addressing also current trends in the sector such as circular economy, new materials, etc;
  • upskilling textile industry staff;
  • introducing practical training schemes for students such as study of real-life cases in business and industry;
  • assistance in developing new textile products and implement new modern processing technologies;
  • exchanges of students, researchers, teaching staff and enterprise staff for a limited period;
  • involving enterprises into teaching and research;
  • encouraging the development of strategies and tools for the internationalisation of HEIs in both countries;
  • contributing on the upskilling and professional development of academic and administrative staff, for the initial training of teachers and continuous career development.